Après une longue hésitation, des amis m’ont convaincu de publier mes carnets de voyage. C’est donc ici qu’ils prendront place, au moins ce blog servira à quelque chose ! Ces carnets sont issus des notes que je prends presque quotidiennement en voyage (souvent dans les transports) et relatent les expériences heureuses ou malheureuses, les moments partagés avec les rencontres de passages, les visites etc. C’est ainsi l’occasion pour vous de découvrir ce qui se cache derrière les beaux clichés que je peux ramener. La réalité est souvent plus dure ! Je m’attarde souvent à décrire et raconter l’histoire des lieux et villes que je traverse ainsi que la personnalité des personnes que je rencontre et la vie quotidienne du backpacker.

Que ces récits servent d'expériences à tous les voyageurs itinérants comme moi qui aiment parcourir le monde.


Soon in Ireland

The Antrim Coast

Hey all!
Here is the time to introduce you to the area where I'm gonna spend a year for my study. Well, I wish you a good trip in Ulster and on the fabulous Antrim coast. Northern Ireland is particular place where you can find several of the most typically landscapes of Ireland and one of the most impressive geological place on Earth : the amazing Antrim Coast.

Carrick-a-rede Bridge
Irish landscapes are the result of the emersion of caledonian mountain with volcanic eruptions and the action of Ice-field! A major part of central Ireland is covered by moraines who form now a specific moist peat-bog soil (tourbière). All the western and northern coast of Ireland is mountainous and owns the features of the action of the ice-field particulary the Antrim and Sperrin Monts in Ulster. The dizzy Antrim coast is the place where mountains fall straight in the ocean. Huge pink-sand beaches alternate with rocky pile and very high cliffs. Antrim coast is the site of a gorgeous past volcanic activity as well. The Giant Causway is built with 37 000 basalt columns, witness of 2 intensive geological activities of the Island 60 millions years and 2 millions years ago.
But why are the column hexagonal? The reason is mathematical. Indeed hexagonal structures enables to cover a surface of identical cells with the smaller length of border. That's why hexagons appeared when basalt was getting cold!
This site is protected by the UNESCO since 1986 and is the most important sightseeing in Northern Ireland.
The Giant Causway
Tous les sites de la côte d’Antrim